Year 2020

Object Yes in % Participation in % Cantons in favour Cantons against
Popular initiative "More affordable homes" 42.9 41.7 4 1/2 18 1/2
Ban on discrimination based on sexual orientation 63.1 41.7 18 4/2 2 2/2
Popular initiative "For moderate immigration (Limitation Initiative)"
38.3 59.5 3 1/2 17 5/2
Amendment of the Hunting Act 48.1 59.3 15 11
Amendment of the Federal Act on Direct Federal Taxation
36.8 59.2 2 24
Amendment of the Loss of Earnings Compensation Act 60.3 59.3 17 9
Federal Decree on the Procurement of New Fighter Aircraft
50.1 59.4 18    8
Responsable Business Initiative** 50.7 47.0 8 1/2 12 5/2
Initiative Against War Business 42.5 46.9 3 1/2 17 5/2
** The initiative was rejected as the necessary majoritiy of cantons in favour was not attained.
Source: FSO/election and vote statistics

Results on a regional level in 2020:

Regional results (cantons, districts, communes as well as language regions and type of communes) as well as the results of past popular votes concerning similar topics are also available:


Federal Statistical Office Section Politics, Culture and Media
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CH-2010 Neuchâtel
+41 58 463 61 58

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