What's new?
In focus
The main figures
Area of Switzerland | 41 291 km2 | |
Wooded areas | current | 32% |
Farmland | current |
23% |
Alpine farmland | current |
12% |
Settlement and urban areas | current |
8% |
Sealed surface area | current | 5% |
Lakes and watercourses | current | 4% |
Other natural space | current | 21% |
Daily consumption of drinking water | 2022 | 289 l/person |
Raw material consumption (RMC) | 2022 | 16 t/person |
Municipal waste | 2022 | 674 kg/person |
Share of separately collected municipal waste | 2022 | 52% |
Greenhouse gas footprint | 2021 | 12.8 t eq. CO2/person |
Number of known plant, fungal or animal species in Switzerland | 1994/2024 | approx. 56 000 species |
Number of assessed species | 1994/2024 | 10 884 species |
Share of endangered species (Red lists) | 1994/2024 | 35% |
Environmentally related taxes revenue | 2023e | CHF 10 billions |
Employees of the environmental sector in full time equivalents | 2022 | 168 000 |
National expenditure on environmental protection | 2022 | CHF 15.1 billions |
Environmental subsidies and other transfers | 2022 | CHF 2.3 billions |
Further information
Federal Statistical Office Section Environment, Sustainable Development, TerritoryEspace de l'Europe 10
CH-2010 Neuchâtel