Territory and environment

What's new?

In focus

Land use, land cover

Information on Swiss land use statistics 

Environmental information

Only a small part of our offer is available in English. For our full offer please consult our French and German sites. 

The main figures

41 291 km2
   Forest and woods 2013/2018 32%
   Farmland 2013/2018 23%
   Alpine farmland 2013/2018 12%
   Settlement and urban areas 2013/2018 8%
      Sealed surface area 2013/2018 5%
   Lakes and watercourses 2013/2018 4%
   Other natural space 2013/2018 21%
Daily consumption of drinking water 2022 289 l/person
Raw material consumption (RMC) 2022 16 t/person
Municipal waste 2022 674 kg/person
   Share of separately collected municipal waste 2022 52%
Greenhouse gas footprint 2021 12.8 t eq. CO2/person
Number of known plant, fungal or animal species in Switzerland 1994/2024 approx. 56 000 species
   Number of assessed species 1994/2024 10 884 species
   Share of endangered species (Red lists) 1994/2024 35%
Environmentally related taxes revenue 2023e CHF 10 billions
Employees of the environmental sector in full time equivalents 2022 168 000
National expenditure on environmental protection 2022 CHF 15.1 billions
Environmental subsidies and other transfers 2022 CHF 2.3 billions
e: estimates Sources: FSO; SAGWS; FOEN

Further information


Press releases

On this topic

Environmental accounting

Economic information on the environment and environmental information on the economy


Federal Statistical Office Section Environment, Sustainable Development, Territory
Espace de l'Europe 10
CH-2010 Neuchâtel



Our English pages offer only a limited range of information on our statistical production. For our full range please consult our pages in French and German (top right hand screen).
