Place of work, teleworking

The clear majority of employed persons usually work at a set place of work outside their private dwelling. In 2023, this concerned 73.5% of employees (excluding apprentices). Furthermore, 9.4% of employed persons work in a private dwelling and 16.9% on the go or alternating work locations. Men work on the go or in alternating work locations more often than women (23.3% compared with 9.7%). In turn, women work at a set place of work outside their private dwelling more often (80.1% compared with 67.7%). Working in the private dwelling is most common among employed persons aged 65 or over (27.0%). The share is just less than 10% among 25-64 year olds and only 5.5% among 15-24 year olds.

With regard to the private dwelling as the main place of work, this indicator takes into account all forms of home-based work, whether telework (exchange of data via the internet with the employer or client) or not. Further information on teleworking can be found under the heading "Information society": Teleworking available in French and German.

Further information

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Related topics

You can find the telecommuting indicators in french or in german under the “information society” heading.


Statistical sources and concepts


Federal Statistical Office Section Labour Force
Espace de l'Europe 10
CH-2010 Neuchâtel
+41 58 463 64 00

Monday to Friday
9.00–11.30 and 14.00–16.00



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