27.08.2020 - New statistical information

Population size and change in Switzerland in 2019: definitive figures

The final figures for 2019 from the population and households statistics of the Federal Statistical Office (FSO) confirm the trends announced in April during the publication of the provisional results. Switzerland’s population increased by 0.7% compared with 2018, reaching 8.6 million inhabitants at the end of 2019. It increased in all the cantons except for Ticino, Nidwalden, Neuchâtel and Appenzell Innerrhoden. Most people live in areas with urban character. Almost half of the cantons had more senior citizens than young people.

Theme Population

Attributed documents

  • Permanent resident population
    Permanent resident population

    Observation period: 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019

    Federal Statistical Office

    Published on 27.08.2020

    Spatial division: Cantons / Districts / Communes


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