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Police crime statistics (PCS) 2020 Almost 24 400 digital offences in 2020 according to the first results of the police crime statistics

22.03.2021 - In 2020, the police recorded 24 398 offences having a digital component. A majority with 16 395 offences involved «cyber fraud», including fraud linked to online shops, real estate advertisements or romance scams, according to the first results of the PCS from the Federal Statistical Office (FSO). In the same year, 32 819 burglaries were registered.

You can find further information in the press releases in German, French and Italian. The English version only contains the lead of the press release.


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Almost 24 400 digital offences in 2020 according to the first results of the police crime statistics
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Statistica criminale di polizia 2020


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