Comunicato stampa

Police crime statistics 2022 Burglaries at pre-pandemic level

Esiste anche una versione più recente del presente documento, disponibile al link seguente:
Further rise in property offences in 2023

27.03.2023 - In 2022, the police recorded an increase in burglaries for the first time in 10 years. With an increase of more than 14%, these offences have thus returned to their pre-pandemic level, according to the results obtained from the Police Crime Statistics (PCS) compiled by the Federal Statistical Office (FSO). Serious violence also increased by more than 16% compared with the previous year, notably serious assault and rape.

You can find further information in the press releases in German, French and Italian. The English version only contains the lead of the press release.


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Burglaries at pre-pandemic level
(PDF, 1 pagine, 115 kB)

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Le pagine in italiano offrono un contenuto ridotto. Per un'informazione più completa si prega di consultare le pagine in tedesco o francese (cfr. link qui sopra).