Unemployement insurance

The Unemployment Insurance Act (UIA) aims to guarantee insured persons appropriate compensation for loss of income due to:

1. Unemployment
2. Short-time work
3. Inclement weather
4. Employer insolvency.

Unemployment insurance helps to prevent pending unemployment and to combat existing unemployment. It also encourages prompt and long-term reintegration of insured persons into the labour market with labour market measures, for example, such as courses, temporary employment programmes, internships and training grants.


Unemployment insurance is financed by contributions paid by insured persons and employers and also by contributions from the Confederation and the cantons. For income of up to CHF 148 200, a contribution of 2.2% is paid. For any income over this amount, a solidarity surcharge of 1% is also paid. The contributions are calculated on the OASI-liable monthly or annual salary and are paid in equal parts by employers and employees.

Statistical Data

The main data on financing and unemployment insurance recipients can be found at the Federal Social Insurance Office (FSIO) in French and German. Further information on legislation, on unemployment insurance projects and current news can be found on the internet pages of the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) in French, German and Italian (see the links in the box "Further information").

Further information



Federal Statistical Office Section Income, Consumption and Living Conditions
Espace de l'Europe 10
CH-2010 Neuchâtel
+41 58 463 64 21



Our English pages offer only a limited range of information on our statistical production. For our full range please consult our pages in French and German (top right hand screen).
