Recipients and benefits received

Number of recipients

In 2021, 713 747 people received benefits in the form of invalidity insurance pensions (II), daily unemployment insurance allowances (UI) and social assistance benefits (SA). For 2021, the total proportion of individuals receiving SAIIUI benefits for at least one month was 12.7% of Switzerland’s permanent resident population aged 18–64/65 on 31 December of that year.

Monthly average number of recipients

When calculating the number of recipients, an individual is included in the same way regardless of whether they received the benefit for one month, 12 months or a number in between. The average monthly number of recipients corrects this bias, as the numbers of individuals receiving one or more benefits in each month are added together and then divided by 12 to obtain a monthly average. In 2021, the average monthly number of recipients for all SAIIUI benefits was 508 170.

The monthly analysis makes it possible to separate benefits received alongside employment – as measured by work income – from the total benefits received. This distinction is illustrated in the graph below.

Entering and exiting recipients

Around a quarter (24.4%) of recipients of an SAIIUI benefit in 2021 were entering recipients. In other words, they received a benefit in 2021 but had not received any benefits in the previous 12 months. The proportions vary from one benefit to another because of the differences in flows.

In 2020, around a quarter of recipients (24.1%) were exiting recipients. In other words, they no longer received that benefit for a period of at least 12 months. Once again, there were differences depending on the type of benefit.

Further information


The results shown in the “tables” section are based on the calculation method used since 2023. The results produced according to the method used until 2022 have been updated and are available in the FSO database.


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Federal statistical office Section Social Welfare
Espace de l'Europe 10
CH-2010 Neuchâtel

+41 58 461 44 44


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