Old-age provision reports

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Prévoyance professionnelle

Recipients of old-age benefits

Information on the number of persons receiving a new pension or a lump-sum from the old-age pension system is provided on this page. In addition to the number of new beneficiaries, information is also provided on the amounts paid out. Data are available for all three pillars.

Recipients of special benefits

Under the 2nd pillar (occupational pension plan) and pillar 3a (private pension scheme), the old-age savings capital may, under certain conditions, be withdrawn in whole or in part as a lump sum before reaching legal retirement age. The following are considered here as encouragement to home ownership and on taking up self-employment.

At a glance

Further information


Press Releases

Related topics

Statistical sources and concepts

On this topic

Old-age benefits

Information on the number and amount of old age benefits paid out from the three pillars of the Swiss pension scheme.

Recipients of old-age benefits

Information on the number of new recipients of an old-age benefit and the amount of the corresponding payments benefit and the amount of the corresponding payments.

Combination of old-age benefits

Share of recipients of old-age benefits from the old-age provision system as a percentage of the retired population.

Recipients of special benefits

Information on recipients of a lump-sum benefit as part of the encouragement of home ownership and on taking up self-employment.


Federal statistical Office Section Income, Consumption and Living Conditions
Espace de l'Europe 10
CH-2010 Neuchâtel
+41 58 463 64 21



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