
Weekly figures

Deaths are reported on a daily basis to registry offices and sent to the FSO for its Vital Statistics (BEVNAT). The declaration and processing procedure takes around nine days.

The reference population is the permanent resident population, i.e. persons residing permanently in Switzerland. Deaths of persons residing permanently in Switzerland that occur abroad are included.

The files are updated every Tuesday at 2 pm.

Under the topic “Health”, a weekly analysis of deaths occurring in Switzerland is carried out to detect any periods of excess mortality.

Mortality, causes of death

Annual figures

Deaths naturally decrease the population.

  2021 2022 2023
Total 71 192 74 425 71 822
35 107 36 439 35 104
36 085 37 986 36 718
Swiss 63 214 66 213 63 938
7 978 8 212
7 884
Age of deceased persons
0-64 years 8 913 8 802 8 319
65-79 years 18 392 18 390 17 743
80 years or older 43 887 47 233 45 760
Source: FSO – Vital Statistics

The changes in the age distribution of the deceased persons are significant. The proportion of deaths occurring before the age of 79 has decreased significantly. In the over 80 age group, this increase is particularly pronounced.

Further information


Annual figures

Weekly figures




Federal Statistical Office Section Demography and Migration
Espace de l'Europe 10
CH-2010 Neuchâtel



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