First and last names in Switzerland

Last names

The commonest last name in Switzerland is Müller, followed by Meier and Schmid. Around 53 000 people are called Müller but they account for only 0.6% of Switzerland's permanent resident population (8.8m). The variety of last names is enormous. Altogether there are more than half a million different last names, including different spellings, which are counted separately.

First names

Among the first names of the entire population, the top names are those that have been popular for a long time and were given in the babyboom years (e.g. Daniel, Peter, Anna). But sociocultural values and religion also have a considerable influence on names and are reflected in these statistics (e.g. Maria).

The information on Switzerland's first names and last names and the first names of newborns comes from the population statistics (STATPOP, BEVNAT) and is not collected separately. The first names and last names cannot be linked to each other, so data protection is guaranteed.

Further information

First names

Last names



Federal Statistical Office Section Demography and Migration
Espace de l'Europe 10
CH-2010 Neuchâtel



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