Supplementary accommodation

The supplementary accommodation survey has been carried out nationally since 2016, based on a sample of representative units. The types of accommodation observed are commercially-run holiday homes, collective accommodation and campsites. The aim of the survey is to gather data that measures the monthly trend in demand as well as the annual trend in supply.  

Supplementary accommodation: arrivals and overnight stays in Switzerland by type of accommodation, provisional quarterly figures 2024
  Arrivals Overnight stays
2024 2024
1st quarter  448 879 2 983 792
2nd quarter    
3rd quarter    
4th quarter    
TOTAL  448 879 2 983 792
1st quarter  451 451 1 339 628
2nd quarter    
3rd quarter    
4th quarter    
TOTAL  451 451 1 339 628
1st quarter  63 025  203 854
2nd quarter    
3rd quarter    
4th quarter    
TOTAL  63 025  203 854
Sources: Supplementary accommodation Statistics, Tourist accommodation Statistics
Supplementary accommodation: arrivals and overnight stays in Switzerland by type of accommodation, final quarterly figures 2022-2023
  Arrivals Overnight stays
2023 2022 2023 2022
1st quarter  450 167  481 797 3 063 680 3 254 133
2nd quarter  222 894  201 078 1 096 001 1 084 625
3rd quarter  334 769  411 799 2 126 110 2 274 976
4th quarter  209 520  195 789  934 311 1 038 533
TOTAL 1 217 351 1 290 463 7 220 103 7 652 266
1st quarter  459 148  344 523 1 377 958  950 883
2nd quarter  537 948  523 611 1 232 293 1 253 783
3rd quarter  920 205  883 241 2 091 168 1 991 412
4th quarter  295 066  288 916  723 820  714 292
TOTAL 2 212 367 2 040 291 5 425 240 4 910 369
1st quarter  44 687  53 487  152 903  171 899
2nd quarter  513 854 504 903 1 385 615 1 372 470
3rd quarter 1 032 277  984 898 3 009 377 2 943 943
4th quarter  115 962  113 495  358 883  348 003
TOTAL 1 706 780 1 656 783 4 906 778 4 836 315
Sources: Supplementary accommodation Statistics, Tourist accommodation Statistics

Note about methodology used for supplementary accommodation statistics

The survey of holiday accommodation used for commercial purposes and collective accommodation was reintroduced in 2016 in accordance with the current methodological criteria.

In order to better comply with the quality criteria demanded by official statistics, the definition of the population has been revised and is now more precise. In contrast to the former model used up to 2003 (when the previous statistics were discontinued), the new survey focuses only on commercially run accommodation. Furthermore, it no longer takes into account guest rooms or ong-term lets.

In addition, thanks to an annual national census, the new statistics cover the entire country whereas the former method relied on figures from a few key cantons. The current results are thus more reliable and are no longer based on estimates. Consequently and for all the above-mentioned reasons, results from the new and former statistics stopped in 2003 can no longer be compared directly with one another.

Further information


Press releases


Statistical sources and concepts

On this topic

Major regions

Data on the results of holiday homes, group accommodation and camping sites in Switzerland in the seven major regions

Tourist regions

Data on campsites in the fourteen tourist regions


Federal Statistical Office Section Tourism
Espace de l'Europe 10
CH-2010 Neuchâtel
+41 58 464 16 52

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