Press release

Families and Generations Survey 2018: initial findings Birth of first child: 70% of women fear negative consequences for their career

The number of children desired by young adults is strongly characterised by the two-child model. However, there is a clear gap between wish and reality in terms of the number of children. Women with a tertiary diploma in particular often fear that having a child will have a negative impact on their career prospects. Over two thirds of families regularly use extra-family childcare. Parents most often rely on their entourage, especially grandparents. In French-speaking Switzerland, almost half use a crèche or out-of-school daycare provision. These are some of the initial findings from the Families and Generations Survey 2018 from the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

You can find further information such as tables and graphs in the press releases in German, French and Italian. The English version only contains the lead of the press release.


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Birth of first child: 70% of women fear negative consequences for their career
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Press conference - First results of Families and Generations Survey 2018


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