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Swiss Labour Force Survey and its derivative statistics: working hours Almost 7.9 billion hours worked in 2018

Esiste anche una versione più recente del presente documento, disponibile al link seguente:
Increase in number of hours worked in Switzerland in 2022

23.05.2019 - In 2018, people spent 7.891 billion hours working. According to the Federal Statistical Office (FSO), between 2013 and 2018, the actual weekly hours worked by full-time employees declined by 5 minutes on average and stood at 41 hours and 8 minutes, whereas the number of weeks of annual holiday continued its gradual increase to 5.2 weeks.

Please note that the English version only includes the release's lead.


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Almost 7.9 billion hours worked in 2018
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Ore di lavoro nel 2018



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