General education

In 2023, some 45 370 diplomas were awarded for general education courses at the upper secondary level. For the most part these were academic Baccalaureates (around 45% of all general education qualifications) and federal vocational Baccalaureates (around 30%).

Diplomas in general education by training type, change in numbers since 2005
Training type 2005 2010 2015 2020 2023
Total 30 266 36 364 39 719 42 666 45 370
  Male 13 671 15 723 17 274 18 367 19 348
  Female 16 595 20 641 22 445 24 299 26 022
16 411 18 759 18 557 19 088 19 576
  Male 7 089 7 940 7 927 8 016 8 192
  Female 9 322 10 819 10 630 11 072 11 384
10 719 12 249 14 021 14 412 13 369
  Male 6 005 6 612 7 516 7 703 6 978
  Female 4 714 5 637 6 505 6 709 6 391
. 1 357 2 525 3 164 3 561
  Male .  212  487  744  871
  Female . 1 145 2 038 2 420 2 690
2 617 3 357 3 843 4 724 4 839
  Male  421  636  889 1 262 1 300
  Female 2 196 2 721 2 954 3 462 3 539
 148  487  773 1 017 1 109
  Male  90  286  455  550  614
  Female  58  201  318  467  495
. . .  261  351
  Male . . .  92  104
  Female . . .  169  247
. . . . 2 565
  Male . . . . 1 289
  Female . . . . 1 276
 371  155 . . .
  Male  66  37 . . .
  Female  305  118 . . .
1 Certificates of university aptitude test
2 Not collected before 2023

Source: FSO – Statistics on certificates (SBA)
Data as of: June 2024

General education covers the three types of baccalaureate as well as courses in one of the upper secondary specialised schools. The Baccalaureate is awarded, depending on the canton, after three or four years, the federal vocational Baccalaureate is awarded either during or after initial vocational education and the specialised Baccalaureate is awarded one year after the specialised diploma.

Between 2005 and 2023, the number of baccalaureates has increased sharply. All three types of baccalaureates have contributed to this progression: the academic Baccalaureate, with an increase of almost 20%, the federal vocational Baccalaureate with an increase of almost 25% and the specialised Baccalaureate, which was first introduced in 2006. The share of baccalaureates awarded to women has risen from around 50% in 2005 to close to 55% in 2023. The percentage of women has grown especially in the vocational Baccalaureate (nearly +5 percentage points).

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Federal Statistical Office Section Educational Processes
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