Foreign labour force

In 1st quarter 2024, 1.812 million persons of foreign nationality worked in Switzerland. Four in five workers (78.3%) came from an EU/EFTA state or the United Kingdom and the rest from a third party state (21.7%). Persons holding a settlement permit (permit C) were in the majority (43.6% of employed foreign nationals), followed by holders of a residence permit (permit B or L, in Switzerland for 12 or more months; 29.7%), cross-border commuters (permit G; 21.9%) and holders of a short-term residence permit (permit L, in Switzerland for under 12 months; 2.3%).

The share of persons with foreign nationality among the employed population (domestic concept) increased from 25.6% in 1991 to 33.8% in 2023. While the share of foreign workers slightly decreased until the early 2000s, it has constantly increased every year since 2004.

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Federal Statistical Office Section Labour Force
Espace de l'Europe 10
CH-2010 Neuchâtel
+41 58 463 64 00

Monday to Friday
9.00–11.30 and 14.00–16.00



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