Structural Survey

The structural survey is a component of the Population Census and complements information obtained from registers with additional statistics on the structure of the population.  In this survey, part of the population fill in a written questionnaire. The first results are available one year after the reference day.

Population Census

The main characteristics

  • sample survey of at least 200'000 people;
  • covers persons aged 15 and over living in a private household;
  • can be answered by internet or by completing written questionnaire;
  • is conducted annually with reference day 31 December. The reference day coincides with the register survey. In this way, the dates of both surveys can be combined;
  • provides information on population, households, families, housing, employment, mobility, education, language and religion;
  • provides answers at the following geographical levels: Switzerland, major regions, cantons and communes with 15'000 inhabitants and more;
  • the results can aggregated over 3 and 5 years. This allows analyses to be made at a lower geographical level or in more detail on certain topics;
  • Cantons and cities can enlarge the sample.

Fact sheet


Further information

Data protection

Documentation on survey


Federal Statistical Office Section Population
Espace de l'Europe 10
CH-2010 Neuchâtel


+41 58 467 25 25

Monday to Friday
09.00–11.30 and 14.00–16.00

Structural survey

Buildings and Dwellings statistics


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