Enterprise groups statistics

What's new?

At a glance

The enterprise groups statistics (STAGRE) complete the range of statistics on enterprises by focusing on the control relationships between them. The aim of STAGRE is to assess the influence of enterprise groups in the Swiss business landscape. Among other things, it provides valuable information on groups, such as the number of units and jobs and their sectors of activity. Thanks to detailed information on the structure, type and country of origin of groups, STAGRE is able to provide information on the importance of multinational groups in Switzerland, particularly of foreign-controlled multinationals. In addition, the gradual dissemination of monetary variables, such as turnover or the value of imports/exports of goods, places this statistic at the centre of analyses in the context of globalisation and should enable to measure how Switzerland is integrated into the world economy.

Gross value added (GVA) in the enterprise groups statistics

The FSO is endeavouring to develop STAGRE by exploiting available information, i.e. by refraining from new surveys. In doing so, it is necessary to resort to modelling in order to progressively broaden the range of information which should, in time, offer new dimensions of analysis, particularly in the field of globalisation. In this context, a range of information has been developed. It covers the variables gross output (GO), intermediate consumption (IC) and gross value added (GVA). The "Small Area Estimation" methods used to develop these three variables are still experimental.

The results should therefore be interpreted with caution and are published on the experimental statistics microsite under the following link: Value added of the enterprise groups (VAB-STAGRE)


Number of enterprises, employees and turnover of enterprise groups

2021 Number of enterprises Number of employees Turnover, CHF Millions
Enterprise groups, total  60 544 1 982 959 2 494 112
Foreign multinational groups  18 755  956 907  773 959
Domestic multinational groups  18 133  539 656 1 627 627
Purely domestic groups  23 656  486 396  92 527
Source: FSO - Entreprise groups statistics (STAGRE)
Update: 23.11.2023

Further information

Press releases



Swiss Federal Statistical Office Section Economic Structure and Analyses
Espace de l'Europe 10
CH-2010 Neuchâtel
+41 58 463 62 66

From Monday to Friday , 09.00–11.30 and 14.00–16.00



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