
Cause of death statistics 2022 In 2022, one in two deaths was linked to cardiovascular disease or cancer

11.12.2023 - In 2022, 74 425 people died in the Swiss resident population. Cardiovascular diseases accounted for the largest proportion of deaths at 27.5%, ahead of cancer, which was responsible for 23.1% of deaths. As was the case prior to the pandemic period, dementia held the third place, responsible for 8.8% of deaths. In 2022, Covid-19 caused 5.5% of deaths, making it the fifth leading cause of death, behind respiratory diseases (6.1%). These are some of the results from the Federal Statistical Office's 2022 Cause of death statistics. 

You can find further information such as tables and graphs in the press releases in German, French and Italian. The English version only contains the lead of the press release.


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In 2022, one in two deaths was linked to cardiovascular disease or cancer
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