ILO Unemployed (ILO = International Labour Office)


The term "ILO unemployed" refers to people aged 15-74 who:

  • were not employed during the reference week and
  • were actively looking for work during the previous four weeks and
  • were available for work.

This definition complies with the recommendations of the ILO and the OECD as well as with the EUROSTAT definition.

(See also related concepts: "registered unemployed persons" and "registered job seekers")

Statistical sources

Labour Market Accounts (LMA):

ILO unemployed in the permanent resident population and the registered unemployed with a non-permanent residence permit

Unemployment Statistics as defined by ILO, Swiss Labour Force Survey (SLFS):

ILO unemployed in the permanent resident population

Sprache EN
Weitere Sprachen IT , FR , DE
Typ Definition
Veröffentlicht am 17.07.2023
Herausgeber Bundesamt für Statistik
Thema Wirtschaftliche und soziale Situation der Bevölkerung
Arbeit und Erwerb
BFS-Nummer glos-634-en
Erhebung, Statistik Arbeitsmarktgesamtrechnung
Erwerbslosenstatistik gemäss ILO
Schweizerische Arbeitskräfteerhebung