Comunicato stampa

Equality for persons with disabilities: evolution 2007-2012 Persons with disabilities are better educated and trained but more exposed to the risk of poverty

Esiste anche una versione più recente del presente documento, disponibile al link seguente:
In 2021 almost one person in six with a disability was at risk of poverty

Neuchâtel, 27.06.2014 (FSO) - Improved education and training but a deteriorating financial situation, while jobs, general life satisfaction and independent use of public transport stagnate. Ten years after the law on equality for persons with disabilities (LHand) came into force, the FSO is publishing the first available time series enabling the evolution of the situation of persons with disabilities between 2007 and 2012 to be measured.


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Persons with disabilities are better educated and trained but more exposed to the risk of poverty
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Pari opportunità per le persone con disabilità: evoluzione 2007-2012



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