Persons with disabilities

Number of people with disabilities

Estimated number of people with disabilities
  Total With severe limitations
Private households    
Adults (age 16 and over) 1 1 572 000 339 000
Children (age 0–14 ) 2 52 000 8 000
Collective households    
Institutions for people with disabilities (without addiction or psycho-social problems) 3 44 308 44 308
… of whom as residents 4 25 512 25 512
Nursing home or home for elderly people: Age 0–64  5 6 100 6 100
Nursing home or home for elderly people: Age 65 and over 5 113 938 113 938
Other collective households (student halls, prisons, etc.) not known not known
Total (estimate, double counting possible) 1 788 000 511 000
1 SILC 2021. Persons with disabilities as under the Disability Discrimination Act.
2 SHS 2017. According to the adult person interviewed. The methodology used to estimate the number of children with disabilities was revised (December 2019).
3 SOMED 2015. All persons throughout the year (one person can appear as several clients).
4 SOMED 2014. With accommodation.
5 SOMED 2021. Only long-term residents.
Sources: FSO - Survey on Income and Living Conditions (SILC), Statistics on Medico-Social Institutions (SOMED), Swiss Health Survey (SHS)

According to different sources available, the number of people with disabilities is estimated at around 1.8 million. Among these, 29% can be considered as severely disabled. These are notably people who live in a residential home or specialised institution: an independent life at home no longer seems possible for them or at least very difficult.

Children and disability

It is difficult to give an accurate estimate of the number of children with a disability as this depends on the severity of the disability and how it is defined. It seems that some 10 000 children have a severe disability and around 44 000 a milder disability (figures from 2017 – children in private households and in institutions). Their numbers increase with age and girls appear to be less affected than boys.

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Federal Statistical Office Sections Health Services, Population Health
Espace de l'Europe 10
CH-2010 Neuchâtel



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