Social assistance to persons subject to the asylum law (eAsyl)

The statistics on social assistance to persons subject to the asylum law (eAsyl) were compiled by the Federal Statistical Office (FSO) on behalf of the State Secretariat for Migration (SEM). The partial revision of the Federal Act on Asylum Matters contains, among other items, a new model for the financing of social assistance between the Confederation and the cantons. As a result of this revision, since 1 January 2008, federal funding for persons subject to the asylum law has been paid to the cantons in the form of a global flat-rate subsidy. This amount is calculated by the SEM on the basis of the number of people concerned as well as by means of various parameters. The statistics on social assistance to persons subject to the asylum law (eAysl) fulfilled a need for comparable information on cantonal expenditure in the asylum sector so that realistic adjustments can be made to the amounts paid by the Confederation to the cantons. The information gathered also allowed an overall picture of social assistance costs in the asylum sector to be obtained.



Federal Statistical Office Section Social Welfare
Espace de l'Europe 10
CH-2010 Neuchâtel


+41 58 461 44 44


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