All key figures for all the cantons are available in the Excel file that can be downloaded below.
The portraits of the cantons are in revision. The next edition will be published in 2024.
Explanations of data from the Structural survey
A number of data in these portraits come from the structural survey which forms part of the new population census:
- Main language
- Religious affiliation
- Net activity rate
- Homeownership rate
- Main mode of transport of employed persons
- Education level
The structural survey is a random sample survey of 200,000 persons. As random sample surveys are comprised of only a fraction of the target population, their findings are always marked by a degree of uncertainty. This uncertainty depends on the size of the sample, the non-response rate and the distribution of the observed variables in the statistical population. It can be quantified by calculating a confidence interval which grows wider as the results become more imprecise. Such quantification presupposes that the sample has been randomly selected from the statistical population. This is always the case for the Federal Statistical Office's random sample surveys.
Due to the uncertainty of the results, no values are shown for cantons with fewer than 50 observations or a coefficient of variation greater than 10%. The confidence interval at 95% should not be more than +/-20% in relation to the value measured. The population includes all persons in the permanent resident population aged 15 or older (for the main language the entire resident population), except for residents of collective households, diplomats, international officials and their relatives. The reference day coincides with the register survey day (31 December).
Additional explanations of key figures
The population figures refer to the permanent resident population at year-end.
Permanent resident population as of 31.12.2019
Population density per km2
Population measured in relation to the polygon area (excluding lakes > 5 km2; swissBOUNDARIES3D © swisstopo)
Urban population in %
According to FSO typology "Area with urban character 2012"
Data sources: Population and Households Statistics STATPOP, Vital statistics BEVNAT
Data source: Structural Survey. As respondents were allowed to indicate several languages in the survey, the total may exceed 100%.
Data source: Structural Survey.
Total area
Polygon area (including lakes > 5 km2); administrative boundaries: 1.1.2016, swissBOUNDARIES3D © swisstopo
Land use
Point areas; incl. special zones and lakes > 5 km2.
Data source: Land Use Statistics 2004/09.
Net activity rate (15-64 years)
Data source: Structural Survey
Unemployment rate (according to SECO)
The average number of registered unemployed persons in 2020 in proportion to economically active persons according to the 3-years pooling of the structural survey data 2015 to 2017 (incl. international officials). Data source: Employment Statistics of the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO, in German).
Gross domestic product per capita in Swiss francs
GDP at current prices; provisional figures.
Data source: National Accounts (NA).
Change in % of cantonal GDP
GDP at previous year's prices; provisional figures.
Data source: National Accounts (NA).
Employed and Business establishments
Data source: Statistics on enterprise structure STATENT.
Data source: Farm Structure Census.
Dwelling vacancy rate
Data source: Empty dwellings survey.
Homeownership rate
Data source: Structural survey.
Average per capita living space in m²
Data source: Buildings and Dwellings Statistics (BDS).
New housing units per 1000 residents
Data source: Annual Construction and housing statistics.
Data source: Statistics on Tourist Accommodation (HESTA).
Passenger cars per 1000 inhabitants
The canton is determined by the address of the holder and not by the number plate. Data source: Road Motor Vehicle Statistics.
Main mode of transport of employed persons in %
Data source: Structural Survey.
Public transport
Railway, tram, metro line, trolley bus, bus, post bus, coach.
Private motorised transport
Moped, motorcycle, motor scooter, passenger car (as driver or passenger), company bus.
Social assistance recipients who claimed benefits in the survey year as a percentage of the previous year’s total permanent resident population (STATPOP). Data source: Social Assistance Statistics.
Physicians in private practice (per 100,000 inhabitants)
Physicians whose main activity is in the outpatient sector according to the members statistics of the Swiss Medical Association.
Data source: Hospital Statistics.
Hospitalisation rate in intensive care (per 1000 inhabitants)
Inpatient cases (discharges), by the canton of residence of the patients. Data source: Medical Statistics of the Hospitals.
The number refers to the percentage of persons with the corresponding educational level measured in relation to the reference population (here the population aged 25 or older from the Structural Survey). The sum of the shares of the various educational levels does not always result in 100%. Persons whose educational level was unknown were not considered. Data source: Structural Survey.
Without post-compulsory education
No educational programme completed, compulsory education.
Upper secondary level
Vocational education, Matura school, other general education qualification (e.g. upper-secondary specialised school).
Tertiary level
Higher vocational education, university of applied sciences, higher education institutions, universities and institutes of technology.
Graduation rate in higher education institutions
Data source: Swiss University Information System (SUIS).
No information (─): the party concerned did not stand for election in this canton. Data source: National Council Elections Statistics.
Switzerland and canton Basel-Stadt: FDP/PLR inclusive LP/PL-BS.
Small right-wing parties
Data source: Police Crime Statistics (PCS).