This indicator provides information on the time spent on domestic and family workload by men and women. It also indirectly provides an insight into the time available for other activities, such as employment.
Whatever their migration status, women carry out more domestic and family tasks than men.
Women with a migration background from the first generation carry out significantly more domestic and family work than women with no migration background. Men with a migration background the first generation spend significantly more time working at home than men from the other population groups, but the difference is smaller than among women.
Since 2013, the average number of hours spent on domestic and family work has increased for both men and women with a migration background.
Domestic and family workload: Unpaid work carried out within the household (e.g. meals, washing, cleaning, shopping, manual work, looking after pets and plants, administrative tasks, childcare, adult care, etc.).
Federal Statistical Office Section Demography and MigrationEspace de l'Europe 10
CH-2010 Neuchâtel