
In focus

Recidivism by year of conviction

In 2020, the FSO revised the standard tables on recidivism. These tables are accompanied by a methodological report, which aims to make the information easier to understand. The publication also examines how it is possible to use the criterion of recidivism to assess the effect of different sentences.

Recidivism analysis

Some 38% of a group of Swiss adults who had been convicted were reconvicted within ten years. More than half (51%) of reoffenders are convicted a third time. Previous convictions, young age or drug dealing increase likelihood of reoffending.

At a glance

Recidivism can be calculated by year of conviction or discharge. In this context, re-offenders are persons who commit an offence in the three years following a conviction or release from a custodial sentence and who are subsequently reconvicted. A record is also made of the special case of persons who are not only reconvicted after discharge from a custodial sentence but also re-imprisoned.

Among adults, the previous conviction and the recidivist conviction must always be due to a felony or misdemeanour. Among juveniles, the convictions can also be made solely on the basis of a contravention (less serious offences).

For this reason, the recidivism rates of juveniles and adults cannot be compared with one another.

Recidivism rate by reference year
  Reconviction after a conviction1)2) Reconviction after release3) Reimprisonment after release4)
Reference year 2020 2017 2017
Adults convicted 51 790 *
Adults released * 1 332 1 332
Recidivist adults 19.7% 49.9% 24.2%


20.8% 49.2% 23.6%


15.4% 54.8% 28.3%

18 - 24 years

24.0% 57.5% 24.8%

25 - 34 years



54.2% 29.5%

35 - 44 years

54.1% 26.5%

45 years and older

14.9% 38.2% 15.3%

No criminal history

14.7% 40.5% 12.8%

One previous conviction

30.3% 38.2% 16.5%

At least two previous convictions

46.2% 65.7% 37.9%

Violent crime5)

23.1% 41.0% 17.1%


31.4% 64.8% 38.1%

Serious violation of RTA






Drink driving


Trafficking in narcotic substances7)

28.6% 38.1% 18.2%
1) The term re-offender applies to persons who commit a felony or misdemeanour in the three years following a conviction and who are subsequently reconvicted.
2) The term re-offender applies to persons who commit a felony or misdemeanour within three years of a conviction and who are reconvicted.
3) The term re-offender applies to Swiss adults who commit a felony or misdemeanour leading to another conviction within three years of a conviction or release from a custodial sentence.
4) The term reimprisoned is applied to Swiss adults who, within three years of release from a custodial sentence, commit a felony or misdemeanour leading to another conviction and their subsequent imprisonment.
5) Intentional homicide (art. 111 SCC), murder (art. 112 SCC), manslaughter (art. 113, SCC), infanticide (art. 116 SCC), grievous bodily harm (art 122 SCC), common assault (art. 123 SCC), affray (art. 133 SCC), armed robbery (art. 140, SCC), extortion and blackmail (art. 156, SCC), threatening behaviour (art. 180, SCC), coercion (art. 181, SCC), false imprisonment and abduction (art. 183-184), hostage taking (art, 185, SCC), indecent assault (art. 189, SCC), rape (art. 1980, SCC) or violence or threats against public authorities (art. 285, SCC).
6) Art. 139 SCC
7) Art. 19 NarcA
Statistics on criminal conviction of minors (JUSUS), state of the database: 16.05.2024
Criminal conviction statistics (SUS), state of the Register of Criminal Conduct: 06.05.2024
Statistics on the Execution of Custodial Sentences (SVS), state of the database: 18.10.2022

Methodological documents

Publication to be downloaded in German

Publication to be downloaded in French

Further information



Publication to be downloaded in German

Publication to be downloaded in French

Press releases

On this topic

Recidivism analysis

In addition to the annually published recidivism rates, the FSO also wishes to make available results obtained via monitoring a cohort.


Federal Statistical Office Section Crime and Criminal Justice
Espace de l'Europe 10
CH-2010 Neuchâtel



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