Enterprise Register

Business Register's data

Business Register Data are mainly composed of information collected through surveys as well as administrative data (OASI, VAT and data on imports and exports of goods) which are prepared, validated and made available for the production of statistics. Some surveys (ERST, Profiling Light) allow in addition to update the structure, the economic activity and the number of employees in the Business and Enterprise Register (BER).

Business and Enterprise Register (BER)

The Federal Statistical Office maintains the Business and Enterprise Register (BER), which contains all businesses, enterprises and firms, including public sector enterprises that have their registered office in Switzerland. The computerised database is updated continuously and is used for statistical purposes, research and planning, as well as to respond to specific enquiries from the Confederation.

Enterprise Identification Number (UID)

To guarantee the correct allocation, management, use and consultation of the unique enterprise identification number (UID), the UID register is run by the Federal Statistical Office. This register was created on the basis of the Business and Enterprise Register (BER), which is the register of reference. It contains the minimum data necessary for the identification of UID units and is available to the public on the internet in compliance with provisions governing data protection at.

LEI - Legal Entity Identifier

The Federal Statistical Office (LEI-Switzerland) has been an accredited LEI issuing authority for Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein since December 2017.
The LEI is a unique and globally valid identifier of legal entities involved in financial transactions.


Federal Statistical Office Business and Enterprise Register
Espace de l'Europe 10
CH-2010 Neuchâtel

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