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Newly born enterprises 2015 Enterprise births fell by 6.9% in 2015

Neuchâtel, 05.10.2017 (FSO) - In 2015, 39 526 enterprises were created from scratch in Switzerland - 2952 down on 2014 (-6.9%). The number of jobs generated by these new enterprises also declined, from 56 996 in 2014 to 54 623 in 2015 (-4.2%). These trends are mainly due to a slowdown in tertiary sector business activity. The vast majority of new enterprises employ only one person. These are the main results of the Federal Statistical Office's (FSO) statistics on business demography (UDEMO).

You will find further information such as tables and graphs in the press releases in German, French and Italian. The English version only includes the lead of the press release.


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Enterprise births fell by 6.9% in 2015
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