Stock of road vehicles by vehicle group and type, since 1990

Results by canton, vehicle group, vehicle type, year of first registration, fuel (aggregated) and year

This dataset presents the annual figures for road vehicles (passenger cars, passenger vehicles, goods vehicles, agricultural vehicles, industrial vehicles, motorcycles, trailers) by canton, year of first registration and fuel, since 1990.
An updated version of this document is available. Please see the following link:
Stock of road vehicles by vehicle group and type, since 1990
Language DE/EN/FR/IT
Type Table
Published on 31.01.2023
Observation period 1990-2022
Published by Federal Statistical Office
Copyright Federal Statistical Office
Terms of Use OPEN-BY-ASK
Theme Mobility and transport
FSO number px-x-1103020100_101
Survey, statistics Distribution of road vehicles
Source(s) Federal Roads Office
Associated documents Road vehicles in 2022: new registrations and stock

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