Press release

Federal Council forges ahead with reusable data

25.11.2020 - People and businesses should only have to provide their data once, thus lessening the burden on them. At its meeting of 25 November 2020, the Federal Council took note of four reports detailing progress in the ‘National data management’ programme’ (NaDB). It commissioned further steps towards the reuse of data.

The aim of the ‘once only’ principle is to make public sector data management simpler and more efficient. To achieve this, it should become easier for the authorities to exchange data. In September 2019 the Federal Council launched several projects to this end. Four reports are now available on the quality assurance of business data, wage statistics, tax data and on the relevant processes, roles and responsibilities.

Quality assurance

For the Federal Council, the protection and the quality of data are decisive issues in data reuse. The Federal Council has therefore commissioned the Federal Department of Home Affairs (FDHA) (FSO), in cooperation with other departments, to develop a series of indicators to demonstrate the quality of business data managed in the different administrations. 

Wage statistics: central system

With regard to wage statistics, the next step will be a feasibility study to discover to what extent businesses can send the relevant wage data to a central system for subsequent reuse by authorised institutions. Businesses currently have to send wage data to many places in different formats. The FDHA (FSO) will work on this project together with the Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research (EAER), the Department of Finance (FDF) and the social partners.

Tax data: Avoiding multiple surveys

The Federal Council also took note of a feasibility study on the reuse of tax data. It has commissioned the FDHA (FSO) and the FDF to initiate all the necessary steps for the survey of cantonal tax data in close cooperation with the cantons and to implement them by the end of 2023. All necessary data from the Confederation’s own data collections and surveys for statistical purposes will be made available to the FSO without restriction.

Processes, roles and responsibilities

To implement the reuse of data, in addition to the necessary tools, a clear structure and a uniform understanding of the roles of all participants are required. The necessary processes, roles and responsibilities have been presented to the Federal Council. In cooperation with the Federal Chancellery (Fch) and the FDF, the FDHA (FSO) will examine the legal basis.

To enshrine in law the orientation of federal statistics towards the reuse of data, the FDHA has been instructed, in cooperation with other departments, to undertake a complete revision of the Ordinance on the Conduct of Federal Statistical Surveys.  


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Federal Council forges ahead with reusable data
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Federal Council forges ahead with reusable data