Gross domestic product, long time series

Gross domestic product, long time series

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Caution in use: following the implementation of the European system of accounts (ESA 2010), the national accounts have been revised until 1995. The data prior to 1995 has been obtained by retropolation using evolution rates, which have been estimated on the basis on old accounting systems (OECD 1952, ESA 1979, ESA 1995). Therefore, this long time series cannot ensure the conceptual and methodological consistency for the entire period.
An updated version of this document is available. Please see the following link:
Gross domestic product, long time series
Language EN
Other languages FR , IT , DE
Type Table
Published on 28.09.2020
Observation period 1948-2019
Published by Federal Statistical Office
Terms of Use OPEN-BY-ASK
Theme National economy
FSO number je-e-
Survey, statistics National accounts
Population and Households Statistics
Associated documents Swiss national accounts and labour productivity in 2019