Dual citizenship by various socio-demographic characteristics in Switzerland

Permanent resident Swiss population aged 15 and older

Dual citizenship by various socio-demographic characteristics in Switzerland

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(CSV, 667 kB)

This dataset presents the annual figures for the permanent resident population aged 15 and older by type of citizenship (Swiss without any other citizenship, Swiss with another citizenship, foreigner or Swiss with another unknown citizenship), gender, age, place of birth (in Switzerland, abroad, unknown), naturalisation (Swiss since birth, naturalised, foreign national), current activity status (employed, unemployed, non-employed situation), socioeconomic group, highest completed education and country of second citizenship, since 2010. Descriptions of the variables in the CSV file are available in the Appendix.
Language DE/EN/FR/IT
Type Table
Published on 26.01.2024
Observation period 2010-2022
Published by Federal Statistical Office
Copyright Federal Statistical Office
Terms of Use OPEN-BY-ASK
Theme Population
FSO number ts-x-
Survey, statistics Structural Survey
Source(s) Federal Statistical Office
Appendix Metadata of the file (ODS, 22 kB)
Associated documents Dual citizenship in 2022
Tags woman man gender

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