Comunicato stampa

Childbirth and maternal health in 2017 Decrease in caesareans and episiotomies in 2017

17.05.2019 - In 2017, 85 990 women gave birth in a Swiss hospital or birthing home. The rate of caesareans has been gradually falling since 2014. Episiotomies (incisions of the perineum) have seen a greater decline: they were performed in one in six vaginal births in 2017, compared with one in four in 2012. Furthermore, the number of women turning to assisted reproductive technology continued the decline started in 2010. These are some of the latest results published by the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

You will find further information and graphs in the press releases in German, French and Italian. The English version only includes the lead of the press release.


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Decrease in caesareans and episiotomies in 2017
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