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Resident permanent population in Switzerland Decline in immigration to Switzerland in 2009

Neuchâtel, 24.08.2010 (FSO) - According to final figures published by the Federal Statistical Office (FSO), Switzerland's permanent resident population increased by 84,000 persons, i.e. 1.1%, in 2009 reaching 7,785,800 inhabitants by the end of the year. There was a decrease in net migration of 24% and a rise in natural increase of 2.3% compared with the previous year. Population growth was more marked in urban areas (+1.2%) than in rural areas (+0.9%).

Switzerland's permanent resident population reached 7,785,800 persons on 31 December 2009. It grew by 84,000 inhabitants, i.e. +1.1% compared with the previous year. This growth was lower than that observed in 2008 (1.4%), when particularly significant net migration was registered, largely due to the favourable economic situation as well as to the introduction of complete free movement of persons with the 17 countries of the European Union (EU) and the EFTA countries.


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Decline in immigration to Switzerland in 2009
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