Labour productivity by actual hours worked at previous year's prices

Labour productivity by actual hours worked at previous year's prices

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This dataset presents the annual figures for the labour productivity per actual hour worked at previous year's prices, the GDP and the actual hours worked on the base of 1991=100, since 1991. Descriptions of the variables in the CSV file are available in the Appendix.
Language DE/EN/FR/IT
Type Table
Published on 27.08.2024
Observation period 1991-2023
Published by Federal Statistical Office
Copyright Federal Statistical Office
Terms of Use OPEN-BY-ASK
Theme National economy
FSO number ts-x-
Survey, statistics Growth and Productivity Statistics
Source(s) Federal Statistical Office
Appendix Metadata of the file (XLSX, 20 kB)
Associated documents Labour productivity in 2023
Tags Economic data FSO

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