Press release

Unpaid work 2016 Men take on more domestic and family work - women more paid work

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Neuchâtel, 11.07.2017 (FSO) - Women spend most time on domestic and family work (28.1 hours per week), spending 16.6 hours per week on paid work and 2.0 hours on voluntary work. Men devote most time to paid work (27.3 hours per week). They spend 17.9 hours per week on domestic and family work and 1.6 hours on voluntary work. Compared with 2010, women spend 1.0 hour more on paid work and men 1.7 hours more on domestic and family work. These are current findings from the Swiss Labour Force Survey 2016 from the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

Please note that the English version only includes the release's lead.


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Men take on more domestic and family work - women more paid work
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Unpaid work 2016: new results


woman man gender couple