Minors: convictions and persons convicted for a misdemeanours or felony under the Road Traffic Act (RTA), Switzerland and cantons [1999–2019]

Minors: convictions and persons convicted for a misdemeanours or felony under the Road Traffic Act (RTA), Switzerland and cantons [1999–2019]

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More recent figures on convictions of minors under the Road Traffic Act are available in another table (see under "Additional Links"). These figures are not limited to misdemeanors and felonies, but also include all convictions relating to the Road Traffic Act. A comparison between current figures and those of previous years is only possible for misdemeanors and felonies taken individually; a comparison of the total is indeed not relevant.
Language EN
Other languages IT , FR , DE
Type Table
Published on 28.06.2021
Last update 29.06.2022
Observation period 1999-2019
Published by Federal Statistical Office
Copyright Federal Statistical Office
Terms of Use OPEN-BY-ASK
Theme Crime and criminal justice
FSO number je-e-
Survey, statistics Juvenile convictions statistics
Source(s) Federal Statistical Office
Associated documents Criminal convictions of minors and enforcement of juvenile sanctions in 2020

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