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New pensions statistics 2022 New pensions statistics: 2022 results

24.11.2023 - In 2022, lump-sum payments from occupational pension plans (2nd pillar) that were received after the legal retirement age were the highest for both men and women. Among recipients of new benefits in 2022, 44% received a pension, 37% a lump-sum and 19% a combination of a pension and lump-sum. These are some of the findings from the new pensions of the Federal Statistical Office (FSO) with a focus on occupational pensions.

You will find further information in the press releases in German, French and Italian. The English version only includes the lead of the press release.


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New pensions statistics: 2022 results
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Le pagine in italiano offrono un contenuto ridotto. Per un'informazione più completa si prega di consultare le pagine in tedesco o francese (cfr. link qui sopra).