Comunicato stampa

Tourist accommodation in the 2020/2021 winter season 26% decrease in overnight stays in the Swiss hotel sector during the 2020/21 winter season

Esiste anche una versione più recente del presente documento, disponibile al link seguente:
Swiss hotel sector generated a record 41 million overnight stays in 2023

08.06.2021 - The Swiss hotel sector registered 9.4 million overnight stays during the winter tourist season (November 2020 to April 2021). Compared with the same period last year, overnight stays fell by 26.4% (-3.4 million overnight stays). With a total of 1.9 million overnight stays, foreign demand dropped by 70.1% (-4.4 million). Domestic visitors registered a 16.5% increase (+1.1 million) with 7.5 million units. These are the provisional results from the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

You will find further information such as tables and graphs in the press releases in German, French and Italian. The English version only includes the lead of the press release.


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26% decrease in overnight stays in the Swiss hotel sector during the 2020/21 winter season
(PDF, 1 pagine, 89 kB)

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Le pagine in italiano offrono un contenuto ridotto. Per un'informazione più completa si prega di consultare le pagine in tedesco o francese (cfr. link qui sopra).