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Total Social Security Accounts 2018 Expenditure on social benefits remained stable in 2018

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Decline in social expenditure in 2022 in Switzerland and Europe

02.07.2020 - Expenditure on social benefits in Switzerland remained stable overall between 2017 and 2018 (+0.2% in real terms). The increase in expenditure in 2018 on old age was partly offset by a decrease in expenditure on unemployment. The level of social expenditure in Switzerland (26.1% of the GDP) was slightly below the European average (26.8%) according to the latest figures from Eurostat available for 2017. In Switzerland, as in European countries, old age and health care absorbed most of the social benefits.

You will find further information in the media releases in German, French and Italian. The English version only includes the lead of the press release.


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Expenditure on social benefits remained stable in 2018
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Le pagine in italiano offrono un contenuto ridotto. Per un'informazione più completa si prega di consultare le pagine in tedesco o francese (cfr. link qui sopra).