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Longitudinal analyses in the field of education First in-depth analysis of the educational pathway of 530,000 young people

Neuchâtel, 23.11.2015 (FSO) - On average, 5% of students in the 1st year of upper secondary level repeated the year between 2012 and 2013 and 6% interrupted their education and training. In the higher education institutions and professional education and training colleges, 9% of 1st year students broke off their education and training in the same period. After a break in their studies, which usually lasts more than a year, most students opt for a change in direction. These are some of the findings from two new publications by the Federal Statistical Office (FSO), analysing the educational pathways of 530,000 young people.


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First in-depth analysis of the educational pathway of 530,000 young people
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