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Income of self-employed physicians in 2019 In 2019, self-employed physicians' median earned income was CHF 162 000

05.11.2021 - In 2019, half of self-employed physicians earned more than CHF 162 000 (median annual net income) and the other half less. Physicians performing surgery received the highest median income (CHF 266 000), psychiatric specialists the lowest (CHF 108 000). Despite taking into account key explanatory factors, such as the speciality or volume of work, a male physician’s income in 2019 was on average 25% higher than that of a female physician. These are some of the results from a new publication from the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

You can find further information in the press releases in German, French and Italian. The English version only contains the lead of the press release.


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In 2019, self-employed physicians' median earned income was CHF 162 000
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