Comunicato stampa

New pensions statistics 2018 and partial update of the indicators on old-age provision Almost one in two people receive an early retirement payment from an occupational pension plan

Esiste anche una versione più recente del presente documento, disponibile al link seguente:
New pensions statistics: 2022 results

06.07.2020 - In 2018, almost 42% of women and 46% of men received a retirement benefit from an occupational pension plan for the first time before the legal age of retirement. The decision to withdraw a lump-sum from the 2nd pillar is often justified by the wish to independently manage and hold this money. These are the latest results from the new pensions statistics and the indicators on old-age provision from the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

You will find further information in the press releases in German, French and Italian. The English version only includes the lead of the press release.


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Almost one in two people receive an early retirement payment from an occupational pension plan
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