Revision of the indicator system for the Federal Council and Parliament

Concept, methods and processes

Revision of the indicator system for the Federal Council and Parliament

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The aim of the revision of the indicator system for the Federal Council and Parliament was to develop a monitoring system for the legislature programme that enables the statistical observation of the Federal Council's objectives. In addition, the system must provide the necessary statistical information for the drafting of the situation analysis in the Federal Council's dispatch on the legislature plan and in the Federal Council's annual reports. The principles guiding the revision included stability - the system must be usable for several legislature periods -, transparency, the active participation of the departments and federal offices as well as the observation of the principles of official statistics. This report depicts the concept, methods and processes which led to the construction of the indicator system. Furthermore, the procedure used for the selection of indicators is documented, the rules for the individual steps of the project are described and the deliberations concerning the publication are presented.

Lingua EN
Altre lingue FR , DE
Tipo Pubblicazione
Pubblicato il 04.10.2012
Editore Ufficio federale di statistica
Copyright Ufficio federale di statistica
Condizioni d’uso OPEN-BY-ASK
Tema Basi statistiche e presentazioni generali
Prezzo* CHF  14.20
Numero UST 627-1200-05
Indicazioni bibliografiche BiBTeX / RIS
Documenti analoghi Indicatori del programma di legislatura 2011-2015



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