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Means-tested social benefits for poverty reduction: 2022 financial statistics and 2023 inventory Decline in expenditure on social benefits to combat poverty in 2022

22.03.2024 - In 2022, the public administrations paid CHF 8.6 billion in means-tested social benefits for poverty reduction, a decline of CHF 207 million (-2.4%) compared with 2021. Means-tested benefits are social benefits that can only be granted if persons can prove that they meet an economic need. In total, around 800 000 people, or 9.2% of the permanent resident population, received such a benefit. These are some of the recent findings from the Federal Statistical Office.

You will find further information in the press releases in German, French and Italian. The English version only includes the lead of the press release.


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Decline in expenditure on social benefits to combat poverty in 2022
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