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Poverty, income distribution and living conditions 2019 Poverty in Switzerland increased further in 2019

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Swiss life satisfaction is highest in Europe - yet inequalities persist

18.02.2021 - In 2019, 8.7% of the population or some 735 000 people in Switzerland were affected by income poverty. Following a brief pause in the previous year, the rising trend of recent years thus continued. 12.2% said they had difficulty making ends meet. The overall standard of living in Switzerland, however, continues to be one of the highest in Europe. These are some of the findings from the Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (SILC) conducted by the Federal Statistical Office (FSO). The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic is not yet included in these data.

Please note that the English version only includes the release's lead.


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Poverty in Switzerland increased further in 2019
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