Communiqué de presse

The Federal Council is planning a national address service

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The Federal Council wishes to introduce a national address service in 2025

At its meeting of 14 August 2019, the Federal Council initiated a consultation procedure for the National Address Service Act. This Act will enable the creation and operation of a central service with the addresses of all residents in Switzerland.

The new Federal Act on the national system for the retrieval of addresses of natural persons (NASA) lays the foundation for the Federal Statistical Office (FSO) to create a national address service. Communes, cantons and the federal administration, as well as authorised third parties such as health insurance companies, will be able to access the current and past residential addresses of residents in the whole of Switzerland. This will simplify administrative processes and lend greater efficiency to public functions. Authorities are currently not able, on a nationwide scale, to ascertain easily where a person is registered at a given time.

The Address Service Act also governs the conditions for its use. Enquiries about a given person are made using the OASI insurance number. This means that enquiries can only be made about people who are already known to the various administrations as a result of statutory duties. Persons whose address data has been accessed will be able to keep track of who retrieved their data and when.

The draft Act dates back to the debate of two parliamentary procedural requests (11.488 and 12.3661), as well as the corresponding Federal Council report of 12 November 2014. In this report the government concluded that a central address databank would be of great use to the public sector. On 12 April 2017, it instructed the Federal Department of Justice and Police (FDJP) to prepare a draft consultation procedure. Because the address service will be implemented by the FSO, the bill has now been transferred to the Federal Department of Home Affairs (FDHA).

The consultation procedure will close on 22 November 2019.


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The Federal Council is planning a national address service
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