Communiqué de presse

Supplementary accommodation in the 4th quarter and in the year 2018 Supplementary accommodation recorded more than 16 million overnight stays in 2018

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Supplementary accommodation with 6.6% growth in 2022

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17.06.2019 - In 2018, supplementary accommodation posted a total of 16.6 million overnight stays, i.e. an increase of 4.2% compared with 2017. With 11.2 million units, Swiss visitors represented more than two-thirds of demand (67.4%), i.e. a rise of 2.9%. Foreign visitors registered a 6.9% increase with 5.4 million units. With 4.5 million units (+6.7%), European visitors generated the most overnight stays by foreigners. These are the final results from the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

When added to the hotel statistics, these findings provide results for the entire tourist accommodation in Switzerland. In 2018, 55.4 million overnight stays were registered, corresponding to a rise of 3.9% compared with 2017. Domestic visitors registered 28.6 million overnight stays (+2.9%). Foreign visitors generated 26.8 million units, which was an increase of 5.0%.

Holiday homes: foreign growth

In 2018, commercially-run holiday homes accounted for the majority of overnight stays in supplementary accommodation, as they represented 45.5% of demand. With a total of 7.5 million overnight stays, demand showed a growth of 2.9% compared with 2017. Domestic demand totalled 4.4 million overnight stays (-1.1% compared with the previous year) whereas foreign demand reached a total of 3.2 million (+8.9%) units. More than 80% of overnight stays by foreign visitors were by visitors from Europe (2.6 million / +8.0%).

In 2018, the average length of stay in holiday homes used for commercial purposes was 6.6 nights, compared with 6.8 in 2017. Among the seven major regions, the Lake Geneva region saw the strongest demand with a total of 3.2 million overnight stays, followed by Eastern Switzerland (2.2 million).

More visitors in collective accommodation

Collective accommodation recorded 5.4 million overnight stays in 2018, i.e. growth of 0.8% compared with the previous year. 4.4. million overnight stays were by Swiss clients (+2.3%). Foreign visitors generated 1.1 million overnight stays, a fall of 5.1%. Visitors from the European continent represented the greatest number of foreign overnight stays (73.5%) with a total of 777 000 units (-6.2%).
The average length of stay in collective accommodation was 2.5 nights (2.6 nights in 2017). At major region level, Espace Mittelland recorded the greatest number of overnight stays with 1.5 million units. It is followed by the Lake Geneva region with 1.4 million overnight stays.

13% increase in campsite demand

In 2018, campsites registered 3.6 million overnight stays, representing a rise of 12.8% compared with the previous year. Swiss guests generated 2.4 million overnight stays, i.e. growth of 12.0%. Foreign visitors, for their part, posted 1.2 million overnight stays, which corresponds to an increase of 14.4%. Within this client group, European visitors registered the greatest number of overnight stays (96.7%) with 1.3 million units, i.e. an increase of 14.5%.

The length of stay in 2018 was the same as in 2017, i.e. 2.9 nights. With 907 000 overnight stays, the Lake Geneva region was the major region that recorded the greatest number of overnight stays at campsites. It was followed by Espace Mittelland (770 000).

You will find further information such as tables and graphs in the press releases in German, French and Italian.


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Supplementary accommodation recorded more than 16 million overnight stays in 2018
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