Communiqué de presse

Swiss Labour Force Survey 2019-2020: Annual averages Three-quarters of employees in Switzerland record their working hours

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Just under half of employees work flexible hours

19.04.2021 - In 2019, 73.9% of employees in Switzerland registered their working hours, whereas in the European Union (EU) only 58.1% did so. In European comparison, fixed working hours were less common in Switzerland (49.2%; EU: 60.1%) and more employed persons enjoyed a high level of job autonomy (60.4%; EU:  50.6%). In 2020, 18.2% of employed persons worked regularly on Saturdays and 9.3% regularly on Sundays. Teleworking from home increased considerably in 2020, but varies greatly by economic activity. These are some of the findings from the Federal Statistical Office’s (FSO) Swiss Labour Force Survey.

Please note that the English version only includes the release's lead.


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Three-quarters of employees in Switzerland record their working hours
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