Communiqué de presse

Economic forecasts - spring 2020 Coronavirus shrinking the economy

Ce document existe également dans une version plus récente. Veuillez suivre le lien suivant:
Forecast unchanged: Swiss economic growth below average in 2024

The Expert Group expects Switzerland to plunge into recession in 2020. The spread of the new coronavirus in Switzerland and abroad is temporarily bringing parts of the economy to a standstill. Provided that the coronavirus situation stabilises, the economy should gradually recover from the second half of the year onwards. This would lead to high GDP growth in 2021, which, however, would still not allow the previously anticipated GDP level to be reached. Forecasting uncertainty is currently extraordinarily high.


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Coronavirus shrinking the economy
(PDF, 4 pages, 338 kB)

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Prévisions conjoncturelles du Groupe d'experts de la Confédération pour le printemps 2020

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